All EuroRust 2023 talks ordered by the view count

  1. "Panel: Inside Rust - Mara Bos, Niko Matsakis, Jonathan Pallant - EuroRust 2023"2k+ views ⸱ 00h 39m 35s

  2. "When the details matter - Niko Matsakis - EuroRust 2023"2k+ views ⸱ 00h 30m 57s

  3. "Rust at Sentry: 7 Years Later - Armin Ronacher - EuroRust 2023"1k+ views ⸱ 00h 33m 17s

  4. "Designing for Ownership - Stefan Baumgartner - EuroRust 2023"1k+ views ⸱ 00h 25m 34s

  5. "Reasoning about Rust: an introduction to Rustdoc's JSON format - Luca Palmieri - EuroRust 2023"1k+ views ⸱ 00h 24m 10s

  6. "Rust, but Verify - Compile-Time Authorization - Nathanial Lattimer - EuroRust 2023"900+ views ⸱ 00h 26m 12s

  7. "The road to compiling the standard library with gccrs - Arthur Cohen - EuroRust 2023"800+ views ⸱ 00h 23m 44s

  8. "It's all in the delivery - Ashley Williams - EuroRust 2023"800+ views ⸱ 00h 46m 35s

  9. "Underrated gems of Rust & WebAssembly: Errors, Async, I/O - Alberto Schiabel - EuroRust 2023"700+ views ⸱ 00h 29m 38s

  10. "Lessons Learned from Teaching Rust - Liv - EuroRust 2023"700+ views ⸱ 00h 24m 52s

  11. "World in Vectors - Map rendering using WebGPU and WASM - Max Ammann - EuroRust 2023"700+ views ⸱ 00h 23m 18s

  12. "async fn from Editor to Executable - Arpad Borsos - EuroRust 2023"700+ views ⸱ 00h 21m 22s

  13. "Wrangling memory leaks where you thought they could never happen - Ayaz Hafiz - EuroRust 2023"600+ views ⸱ 00h 29m 28s

  14. "The Neotron Saga - throwing your project in the bin and starting again - J. Pallant – EuroRust 2023"600+ views ⸱ 00h 31m 00s

  15. "Publishing High-Quality Crates - Nikolai Vazquez - EuroRust 2023"500+ views ⸱ 00h 28m 40s

  16. "alt.ctrl games w/ Rust - Lisa Passing - EuroRust 2023"500+ views ⸱ 00h 25m 24s

  17. "Reinforcement learning as a testing methodology - Aleksandr Petrosyan - EuroRust 2023"300+ views ⸱ 00h 37m 06s

  18. "Communities, Organisations, Relationships, Conflict and Hope - Florian Gilcher - EuroRust 2023"300+ views ⸱ 00h 26m 54s

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